I was so happy when my parents took me to get cookie.
They always told me Cookie was a dumb name, beneath a creature of such majesty, but I love Cookie with all my heart just the same.
Supplying Cookie's large and varied appetite is the hardest part.
I mean, honestly, what *won't* Cookie eat?
That question was intended sarcastically—we all know about Cookie's unusual diet—but it's a question worth thinking about, from a philosophical perspective.
Consider the psychic weight of being named for the thing you most love, let alone being labeled a monster in perpetuity!
The mind strains under such an expanse of #brand opportunities.
The only question remaining: should I leverage social media for a Web 2.0 reality, or dare I attempt to shift paradigms in an attempt to create an innovative solution that millennials will embrace?
The preceding was a story you participated in on Monday, October 27 2014. The sentence in bold is yours.
Story prompt by S.S. ZGHOT. Sentences in this story path were contributed by Mike, Emily Short, Alissa, aparrish, John Holdun, donk, and SS Ghot Z.