I'm not upgrading my phone anymore. Not after what happened last time.
It still strikes me as strange how no one else saw "communicate with the beyond" in the patch notes.
Then again, the patch notes—and indeed, all of the documentation—were written in blood-red eldritch sigils, readable only to those with a forbidden knowledge of long-lost and unspeakable tongues.
The tongues disappeared millennia ago and it's a wonder we even know they existed in the first place.
Together with Einstein they were dug up and meticulously studied, but no answer was found as to why the tongues were kept in pristine condition.
The tongues were removed from the exhumed corposes and donated to the Düsseldorf Collection of Pristine Tongues for further analysis.
Once they arrived, Senior Tongue Curator Hans Germanpürson began dilligent work inspecting and sorting by various qualities.
There were the long ones; the languid ones; the singular one; the three that were, in an endless cycle, each greater in value than the previous; the melancholy one; and, he noted with concern, the one that looked very much like his wife in the arms of another man.
The preceding was a story you participated in on Thursday, October 30 2014. The sentence in bold is yours.
Story prompt by Casey Kolderup. Sentences in this story path were contributed by Butt O'Connor, aparrish, John Holdun, Efren, Keith Calder, SS Ghot Z, and Josh Millard.