I was relieved to know that for once I could relax on a perfectly normal day where nothing out of the ordinary would happen. I curled into my chair next to the window, stared into the vast landscape that was my backyard, and sipped my tea. I had recently begun drinking grass tea, so the vast backyard was an investment—an investment in raw materials. I was about to start my life as a farmer, so first things first: a trip to the farmer supply store! You might think the farmer supply store would have a lot of interesting and exciting characters who frequent it, but in fact it's pretty normal in an entirely unexciting way, and today was no exception.

The preceding was a story you participated in on Thursday, October 30 2014. The sentence in bold is yours.

Sentences in this story path were contributed by Anonymous, eden rohatensky, zigg, aparrish, and Casey Kolderup.