What do monsters dream about when they sleep?
You'd think their dreams were about eating little kids or something, but most dream about The ORB.
The ORB dream was a strange one that came at dusk, often after having had three cups of chocolate milk and then going to bed, but it was the most frequent dream by far.
There could be no doubt that this gourd would lead the people through the darkness.
And then, having escaped from the darkness, they can make delicious pie!
Little did they know, that delicious pie would change their lives forever.
It started with the crust.
Moments later, the crust burst open and green light shined from within.
It was Slimer!
The preceding was a story you participated in on Thursday, October 30 2014. The sentence in bold is yours.
Sentences in this story path were contributed by Anonymous, Butt O'Connor, cblgh, zigg, Bradlby, aparrish, Alissa, eden rohatensky, Jake, and Tate.